About GeoGnomo

GeoGnomo is an open-source project exploring various forms of geocoding for use in Smart Ledgers (aka blockchains with embedded computer code). The GeoGnomo project focuses on memorable systems that provide easy ways to aggregate areas together, as well as giving users some clues to location and distance and scale. GeoGnomo consists of three systems for geostamping: Quaternary Triangular System, a Quaternary Rectangular System, and a Variable Rectangular System. Each can be used to record geographic areas into a blockchain. We have provided the source code and an online translation from latitude & longitude areas to geocodes and back. Thus, blockchain applications have almost an instant ‘global post code’ or ‘global zip code’ system. By using consistent geocoding data retrieval is easier. Users can share information easily – “tell the drone to come to QTS:F49PUR9B7-20”, a resolution of 7.6 metres.

We believe the principal qualities of a good geocode are:

  • Memorability - It should be compact and memorable
  • Aggregation - A coding system should be able to describe comparably a variety of area sizes and structures, both natural and human, such as forests, beaches, buildings, sports grounds, country borders, etc.
  • Proximity - Similar codes should represent similar locations, so that people exchanging codes can roughly understand the distance and relationship between them.
  • Scale - Users should have control over the precision.

Comparison of GeoGnomo Systems

System Memorability Aggregation Proximity Scale
Latitude/Longitude Coordinates Poor Average Very Good Poor
Quaternary Rectangular System (QRS) Good Average Good Good
Quaternary Triangular System (QTS) Good Average Good Good
Variable Rectangular System (VRS) Average Good Average Very Good
Quaternary UTM System (QUTMS) (Experimental) Good Average Good Good

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